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Both Governors and staff would like to stress how much importance we attach to the wearing of school uniform; it certainly helps foster a sense of belonging and helps children be ready to complete their school learning. The children feel proud and develop a sense of belonging to the school community when wearing the school uniform.


School Uniform: School sweatshirts, cardigans and polo shirts bearing the school logo are available for purchase from Crested Schoolwear Dudley ( It can also be purchased online at School Trends. (


Black shoes should be worn – trainers are not permitted. Boots may be worn to school in the colder months however children will be asked to change into school shoes when inside school. Also, please avoid ‘hair art’, hair colours and large hair accessories.


Jewellery and Valuables:


Children should not wear jewellery of any kind in school, with the exception of small plain studs if children have pierced ears, but we would request they are removed or covered before a child is allowed to participate in swimming, games or PE. We cannot stress the importance of this rule as so many accidents are caused when children are wearing jewellery such as necklaces and rings. Members of staff do not take responsibility for the safekeeping of jewellery of any kind.


Valuables and personal possessions should not be brought into school. Everything children require to work at school will be provided and so nothing extra is required. Things can go missing and often cause problems; swaps etc and much time is wasted sorting things out.


Physical Education


PE plays an important part if the school curriculum: this kit will be used for gymnastics and dance in the hall. Trainers may be used for games lessons taken outside. Children should also bring in a separate black sweatshirt, black tracksuit bottoms and trainers during colder months. These should be clearly labelled with the children’s names and preferably kept in a pump bag which can be kept in school.

Please can parents/carers ensure all individual items of clothing are all named and labelled clearly with their child’s name.

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