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Our School Day

Tipton school day.PNG

This amounts to a total time in a typical week of 32.5 hours

Parents/carers must not send children to school too early or leave them uncollected at the end of the school day. If you are delayed for any reason let the school office know immediately. The school gates/doors open at 8.35am and members of school staff will be on the gates/doors.


In order to ensure children’s safety, school have recently reviewed the policy in the collection of children.​


Children in Years 3, 4 and 5 must be collected by an authorised adult/competent person over the age of 16 (unless a different arrangement has been made with school).

Year 6 children may go home unaccompanied for which we will require written permission. Parents will need to arrange for younger brothers and sisters to be collected by an authorised adult.


It is important that parents keep school informed about who is collecting children and any changes.

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