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At Tipton Green, behaviour is excellent and we have high expectations of pupils. To ensure that pupils, parents and staff are aware of the expectations we have provided a clear behaviour policy which we expect all parties to adhere to.

These are shared with pupils and regularly revisited during assemblies.  They are displayed around school and the consequences which occur if the rules are broken are also shared and displayed for pupils.

Of course there will be instances when the rewards and sanctions provided by school do not make the impact with individuals that we would like.  If this is the case then in consultation with families a behaviour plan will be produced and clear strategies and techniques will be identified.

In school we benefit from the skills of our Trust Behaviour and Emotional Learning Support Leader – Louise Taylor - who can work 1:1 with individual pupils and their families to help support implement any further strategies required. She also leads two learning mentors withing school – Mrs R Kaur and Miss C Barnett-Edwards – who lead interventions with pupils to support their social and emottional development.

Tipton Green will not accept any type of bullying and this will be dealt with immediately.



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