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Our Teachers
S Meetka.jpg

Miss Meetka

Teacher - Year 3  Class 2


K Hayden.jpg

Miss Hayden

Teacher - Year 3

Class 3

C Jackson.jpg

Mrs Jackson

Teacher - Year 3

Class 1


Miss Nightingale

Teacher - Year 3​

Class 1

Welcome to Year 3

We hope you have enjoyed the holidays and have had a great start to the new year! We are excited to welcome the children back to school and would like to share with you the learning experiences the children will encounter this Spring term!




 New topics this term include ‘The Victorians’, ‘What plants need’ and Coding using ‘Scratch’. We will also start with reading ‘The Iron Man’ as one of our key texts in English and Guided Reading.


For more details about our learning this term, please see the  Curriculum Overview.



Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE days. Children will be asked to remove earrings before PE sessions. Please ensure that children wear the correct PE uniform for school on PE days only.


Year 3 PE Sessions

Class 1, 2 and 3: Mondays and Thursdays


All Year 3 children are asked to bring their TGJS book bags and books to school every day. Children will continue to take home their book band book and library book, which they will have an opportunity to change each week. Please complete the home section in your child’s reading diary if they have read at home -we love to read comments about our pupils’ reading from parents, grandparents, and even brothers and sisters! Spellings will continue to be set on a weekly basis with a test the following Wednesday. We also will continue to encourage children to use their Times Tables Rock Stars account from home as we build on our times table knowledge.


In spring term, we will also be introducing a homework book where we will be setting some English and Maths homework fortnightly. We will also be setting some online homework, more details about log ins etc. will be available soon.

A quick reminder to ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name and class, and water bottles should contain water only, which can then be refilled in class.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to your class teacher, who will usually be available while dismissing your child at the end of each day. Thank you in anticipation of your support.


The Year 3 Team

Miss Nightingale/Mrs Jackson          Miss Meetka    Miss Hayden

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview
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