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Our Teachers
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Mrs C Handford

Teacher - Year 4  Class 


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Mrs E Hodgetts

Teacher - Year 4



Miss Elmi

Teacher - Year 4​


Welcome to Year 4

Welcome back to school! We hope you had a joyful and restful Christmas break filled with fun, family, and celebration. As we step into this new year together, we’re excited to continue learning, exploring, and growing as a school community.


The Spring term is always a busy time for children in Year 4 with lots of new learning taking place. English and Mathematics will continue to be taught daily and focus on key writing skills and mathematical calculations


For more details about our learning this term, please see the  Curriculum Overview..



Times Tables

Times tables are a very important focus this year and we would ask you to support your child with this regularly.  Please encourage your child to learn and revisit times tables they are struggling with, as this knowledge aids so much of their learning in maths. There will be a strong emphasis on recalling times tables up to 12 x 12 as children in Year 4 will be taking take part in the National Multiplication Test between Monday 2 June and Friday 13 June. Please encourage your child to access Times Table Rockstars at home. The Soundcheck level is very similar to the test as they are given 25 questions and must answer them within 6 seconds.



Year 4 PE sessions are on Mondays and Tuesdays.


Please ensure that children come into school on both PE days  wearing the correct PE uniform.

Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE days. Children may be asked to remove earrings before PE sessions.


Children will continue to receive reading books linked to their ability from school and a library books. They will still have the opportunity to change these weekly during our library slot. We encourage your children to read as many times as they can weekly and fill in progress/ areas to develop in their reading diaries.


In spring term, we will also be introducing a homework book where we will be setting some English and Maths homework fortnightly. We will also be setting some online homework, more details about log ins etc. will be available soon.


During the Spring term, there will be an opportunity for your child to take part in a residential stay at Frank Chapman. We also have a trip booked to Hockerhill Adventure Centre.

Please continue to send your child with a named water bottle, that they can refill with water and use in school. Children can continue bring a piece of fruit to school for their morning snack. 


 If you have any concerns or worries, please arrange a time to speak to one of us, as you play a vital role in your child’s education.  



Mrs C Handford                              Mrs E Hodgetts                                       Miss Elmi

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview
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