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Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to the new academic year at Tipton Green! We hope that you had a fantastic holiday and the children have been able to recharge their batteries! To provide you with as much information as possible, attached is a copy of your child’s timetable. This gives a brief outline of your child’s day, but should be viewed as a guide only as it is subject to change!
Children will continue to receive reading books linked to their ability from school and a library books, they have the opportunity to change these weekly during our library slot. We encourage your children to read as many times as they can weekly and fill in progress/ areas to develop in their reading diaries. This will also be filled out by a class teacher as a form of communication between home and school. This will significantly support their learning. We like children to bring these to school with them each day with their reading book band books.
Children in year 5 will be grouped according to ability for spelling. If your child is working on RWI phonics they will have 5 lessons per week and will receive weekly spellings. If your child is working at age related spellings they will have 2 Oak academy lessons per week and will receive weekly spellings.
Our PE sessions will take place on a Monday and Thursday afternoon, children will need to come to school in their PE uniforms on these days. It would also be appreciated if all uniform (including PE) is labelled with your child’s full name and class. Please can we remind parents/ carers that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE days.
The gate to the playground will be opened at 8.35am and closed at 9.00am. Late children will need to report to the main office.
We look forward to working with you over the next year to ensure your children have a valuable year. If you have any questions/queries now or throughout the year, please do not hesitate to speak to us. Thank you for your continued support.
Year 5 team
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