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Our Teachers
M Watson_edited.jpg

Miss Watson


Mrs Favata


Miss Swatman

Welcome to Year 6

Happy New Year, we hope that you had a wonderful two weeks off over the Christmas period and enjoyed time with your families. After a successful autumn term full of learning, amazing achievements and lovely memories, we look forward to beginning 2025 with the same hopes and aspirations.


We have lots of exciting learning planned for this term. English and Mathematics will continue to be taught daily and focus on key writing skills and mathematical calculations.


The focus for our wider curriculum can be found on the curriculum newsletter. History learning will be supported by a fantastic chance for hands on learning when we visit Cadbury World where we will find out more about The Maya.


For more details about our learning this term, please see the  Curriculum Overview..




During the spring term we will be busy preparing the children for their SATs tests which will take place in May.  School booster classes will begin this term to support the children in reaching their targets.



Year 6 PE sessions are:

Indoor PE Tuesday 

Outdoor PE Wednesday


Please ensure that children come into school on both PE days are wearing the correct PE uniform Please can we remind parents that no jewellery should be worn in school with the exception of stud earrings, and in line with Health and Safety guidelines these should not be worn on PE days. Children may be asked to remove earrings before PE sessions.


Children will be given a piece of maths and English homework every fortnight and an arithmetic paper which will help the children to consolidate the learning they have done in class.


In addition to this the children will continue to have access to the online learning platform Century, which they will have access to both in school and at home. This platform allows the children to complete questions for maths, SPAG, reading and science and provides the children with examples, models and videos to support their learning.

It is a brilliant tool for learning and we would very much recommend that the children take advantage of the resources that are available.


Children will also be sent home with weekly spellings to learn.


Children will continue to receive reading books linked to their ability from school and will have access to the school library where they can choose books for pleasure, they have the opportunity to change these weekly during our library slot. We encourage your children to read as many times as they can weekly and fill in progress/ areas to develop in their reading diaries, this is vitally important as it will support the children with the SATs reading comprehension paper.

Please continue to send your child with a named water bottle, that they can refill with water and use in school. Children can continue bring a piece of fruit to school for their morning snack. 


We thank you in anticipation of your continued support and look forward to working with you over the coming term to ensure your children continues to have a successful year. If you have any concerns or worries staff will be available on the playground at the end of the day, please arrange a time to speak to one of us, as we are always happy to help.



Miss Swatman              Mrs Favata            Miss Watson

Autumn Foliage
Autumn Curriculum Overview
Branch with Catkins
Spring Curriculum Overview
Blooming Garden
Summer Curriculum Overview

Click the red label on the post to see more news

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